Brent Penot Celbrates 21st company anniversary and still going

September 1, 2011

Engel & Gray, Inc. is proud to recognize Brent Penot for his 21 years of professional Truck Driving for the local family owned company. Carl & Bob Engel have relied on Brent as one of the skilled drivers of the company family. Brent has been and continues to be a skilled driver and licensed operator of the company’s truck mounted hydraulic cranes. . Brent started with the company as a semi truck driver, quickly mastering semi flat bed, semi end dump and low bed operations. He then became a stinger crane operator, loading and hauling tubular goods and equipment and running all of the company’s heavy equipment. Brent is a certified crane operator with endorsements for Engel & Gray, Inc.’s hydraulic truck cranes. As an accomplished BBQ chef Brent has traveled far and wide serving up some of the best steaks the Central Coast produces. Bob & Carl are looking forward to Brent’s next 21 years!

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